Fees Rules
  • The school fee and transport fee are collected for every month in advance. The fee should deposited on or before the 20th of the every month.
  • A late fee of Rs. 10/- will be charged (separately for school & transport fee) till the end of the month, after which Rs.1/- per day will be levied for the late payment of the fees. Annual fees are to be paid along with first quarter fee.
  • Parents are requested to keep the receipts issued to them from the office and produce them as proof of payment of fees whenever needed.
  • No concession is granted for brothers/sisters studying in the same school.
  • The school fee is subject to revision from time to time due to the increasing cost of teacher’s salary, maintenance and other expenses.
  • Fees once paid are not refundable.
  • Pupils may not be allowed to sit for the examinations unless all dues are cleared. Before the Annual Examinations, fees for the month of March are to be cleared and the hall ticket to be obtained.
  • The child who joins the school in between the academic year will have to pay the fees for the whole year.
  • Class X (ICSE) students are to clear all the dues (up to month of march) by 20th of December.